Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Doula's Position Matters

Recently I attended the birth of a client whom I had worked with previously. It is an ideal situation, and one I hope to enjoy again. God has brought together a team of us that work well together and we all enjoy each other as well. What a gift.

Despite the fact of this being a repeat however, I did learn something very important. The doula’s physical position may play as important a role as the mother’s. As a matter of fact, should the doula be in the wrong position things may not go as planned. Although we knew the “right position” for this mother for delivery, I somehow managed to get myself on the opposite side of where I should have been. Eventually, through this mom moving on her own I ended up in the right position and all worked out okay. However, had she not moved things might have had a different outcome. So, here are things that I need to think about positionally:

  1. Does my position help the laboring couple?
  2. Can I change my position to be more effective?
  3. Can I maintain this position for long periods of time?
  4. If the answer to 3 is no, Is there someone who can trade off with me?
  5. Is there a better, more effective position to accomplish what needs to be done?
  6. Is my position causing a separation… physically or emotionally… between the laboring mother and her main birth partner?

These questions can all be asked and answered fairly quickly thus allowing me to be a more effective labor support person. What are things you have found that help you?

Happy Birthing!

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